The 20 Scariest Opening Scenes In Horror Movie History, Ranked > 제품소개

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The 20 Scariest Opening Scenes In Horror Movie History, Ranked

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작성자 Jonni 작성일 23-10-23 06:25 조회 8회 댓글 0건


Hey there! Can you consider it's already October? Countless horror films are lined up for us to enjoy throughout this spooktacular month. And you know what will get me the most excited about horror motion pictures? It's these adrenaline-pumping opening scenes that keep us on the sting of our seats right from the start. Today, we'll dive into the 20 scariest opening scenes in horror movie history. Get ready for a bone-chilling journey!

Starting off at number 20, now we have "The Ring" (2002). Remember that eerie tape with a disturbing message and (source) the promise of loss of life in seven days? That opening scene sets the tone for your entire movie and provides me goosebumps every time.

Moving on to number 19, we have "It Follows" (2014). This movie hooks you from the beginning when a lady is terrified of an unseen entity. The suspense builds up, and you find yourself anxiously ready for what's coming subsequent.

At quantity 18, we have now "The Witch" (2015). This movie takes us back to the 1600s, where a baby all of a sudden disappears. The tension and worry in that opening scene are palpable, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

Next up, at number 17, is "The Others" (2001). The opening scene introduces us to a haunted home the place a mom and her youngsters are living in worry. It sets the stage for a thoughts-bending thriller that keeps you guessing till the top.

Number 16 brings us to "Poltergeist" (1982). This movie kicks off with a peaceful suburban home being invaded by malevolent spirits. The sense of vulnerability and dread is established right away, providing you with a taste of what's to return.

Now, let's move on to quantity 15: "Hereditary" (2018). This movie begins with a glimpse of a household tragedy, and the emotional depth hits you want a ton of bricks. You cannot help however feel linked to the characters and marvel what horrors await them.

At quantity 14, we've got "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984). Who may neglect the iconic opening scene where Freddy Krueger makes his first terrifying look? That razor-sharp glove scraping in opposition to metal sends shivers down my spine every single time.

Coming in at number 13 is "Scream" (1996). This opening scene sets the stage for a thrilling and self-aware slasher movie. As soon as you see Drew Barrymore's character in distress, you realize you are in for a wild journey.

Number 12 takes us to "The Shining" (1980). The serene beauty of the Overlook Hotel in the opening scene rapidly gives strategy to a feeling of unease. It is a masterclass in constructing tension and organising the eerie ambiance that lingers all through the film.

Moving on, at quantity 11, we have now "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974). The opening scene throws you proper into the chaos as a bunch of pals stumble upon a home inhabited by cannibals. It's a coronary heart-pounding introduction to a horror (source) traditional.

Now, let's take a breather earlier than we dive into the highest 10. These opening scenes have already given us plenty of scares, but belief me, we're just getting started.

At quantity 10, we have "Jaws" (1975). This iconic movie starts with a chilling assault on a young woman swimming in the ocean. That ominous music and the unseen predator lurking below the surface never fail to make my coronary heart race.

Number 9 brings us to "Halloween" (1978). The opening scene sets the inspiration for probably the most recognizable horror movie villains of all time: Michael Myers. That first-individual perspective shot as young Michael kills his sister continues to be haunting to this day.

Within the 8th spot, we've "Psycho" (1960). The shower scene is just not only a terrifying second in horror movie history but also some of the memorable. That sudden burst of violence leaves you gasping for air and wondering what Hitchcock has in store for us subsequent.

Number 7 goes to "The Conjuring" (2013). This opening scene throws you headfirst right into a terrifying case handled by paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. The tension and supernatural presence are palpable, leaving you gripping the edge of your seat.

Next up, at number 6, is "A Quiet Place" (2018). This distinctive horror movie starts in a world overrun by creatures with hypersensitive listening to. The opening scene units the tone for a movie where silence means survival, immediately grabbing your attention.

We've lastly made it to the highest 5 scariest opening scenes in horror movie history! Are you ready?

At quantity 5, we've got "Alien" (1979). The opening scene immerses you in the vastness of area and introduces the eerie environment of the Nostromo. Combine that with a facehugger surprise, and you are in for an intense space horror experience.

Number 4 goes to "Dawn of the Dead" (1978). The chaos of a zombie apocalypse kicks off right from the beginning on this classic horror film. When the useless begin rising, you're immediately sucked into this terrifying world and can't assist but marvel if you happen to'd survive.

In the third spot, we have now "Get Out" (2017). This thought-provoking horror movie opens with a tense encounter between a black man and a white neighborhood. The underlying racial tension and discomfort immediately make it clear that something sinister is at play.

Number 2 takes us to "28 Days Later" (2002). The opening scene reveals Jim, the primary protagonist, waking up in a hospital to a deserted metropolis overrun by contaminated beings. The sense of isolation and despair units the stage for a gripping submit-apocalyptic horror.

And eventually, the moment you've got been ready for! The scariest opening scene in horror movie history, according to my humble opinion, is "The Exorcist" (1973). Witnessing the excavation of an ancient artifact that unleashes pure evil units the tone for a nightmare-inducing rollercoaster trip. It's a traditional that nonetheless sends chills down my spine.

Well, there you've gotten it, my good friend. The 20 scariest opening scenes in horror movie historical past, ranked. I hope this list gets you within the mood for some spooky movie nights this October!

Remember, it's at all times fun to get scared when it's just a movie. But if you happen to ever end up waking up in a deserted metropolis or encountering an artifact with demonic powers, maybe it's time to begin operating!

Happy Halloween, and enjoy the thrills and chills!


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